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  • Delola Bella Berry Spritz Ready-To-Drink 750ml

    Delola Bella Berry Spritz Ready-To-Drink 750ml

    Delola Bella Berry Spritz is a ready to enjoy world-class sparkling cocktail crafted with premium vodka, berries, and hibiscus. Founded by Jennifer Lopez, Delola Spritzes are delicious, gluten free, & only 111 calories/serving. Simply pour over ice &...

    MSRP: $23.99
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  • Absolut Wild Berri Swedish Grain Vodka 750ml

    Absolut Wild Berri Flavored Vodka 750ml

    Absolut Wild Berri Flavored Vodka: A Burst of Berry Bliss Experience the vibrant and refreshing taste of Absolut Wild Berri Flavored Vodka, a premium spirit that combines the smoothness of high-quality vodka with the luscious flavors of wild berries...

    MSRP: $23.99
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  • Greenbar Organic Vodka 750ml

    Greenbar Organic Vodka 750ml

    The availability of this product is limited and subject to change.Light, floral and clean, Greenbar Organic Vodka tastes smooth even at room temperature. The secret lies in combining spirits made from wheat and California pomegranate for a balanced body...

    MSRP: $32.99
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  • Spring44 Colorado Honey Vodka 750ml

    Spring44 Colorado Honey Vodka 750ml

    The availability of this product is limited and subject to change.Appearance: Light golden in color with great clarity.Aroma: Aromas of lavender and fresh honey straight from the honeycomb. Hints of vanilla and toasted nuts.Palate: Light honey sweetness...

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  • Smirnoff Blue Raspberry Lemonade Vodka 750ml

    Smirnoff Blue Raspberry Lemonade Vodka 750ml

    Smirnoff Blue Raspberry Lemonade Vodka: A Burst of Flavor and Refreshment Indulge in the vibrant and refreshing taste of Smirnoff Blue Raspberry Lemonade Vodka, a premium spirit that combines the smoothness of high-quality vodka with the tangy sweetness...

    MSRP: $14.99
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  • Meili by Jason Momoa Montana Vodka 750ml

    Meili by Jason Momoa Montana Vodka 750ml

    Meili by Jason Momoa Montana Vodka: A Bold Spirit Born in the Wilds of Montana Discover the exceptional quality and unique character of Meili Vodka by Jason Momoa, a premium spirit crafted with the rugged beauty and pristine waters of Montana. Perfect...

    MSRP: $28.99
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  • QURI Quinoa Peruvian Vodka 750ml

    QURI Quinoa Peruvian Vodka 750ml

    QURI Quinoa Peruvian Vodka: An Exquisite Blend of Tradition and Innovation Experience the unique and refined taste of QURI Quinoa Peruvian Vodka, a premium spirit that combines the ancient grain quinoa with modern distillation techniques. Perfect for...

    MSRP: $31.99
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  • White Claw Premium Vodka 750ml

    White Claw Premium Vodka 750ml

    White Claw Premium Vodka: Crisp, Clean, and Exceptionally Smooth Experience the refined quality and refreshing taste of White Claw Premium Vodka, a spirit that embodies the essence of purity and craftsmanship. Perfect for discerning vodka enthusiasts,...

    MSRP: $21.99
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  • White Claw Pineapple Vodka 750ml

    White Claw Pineapple Vodka 750ml

    White Claw Pineapple Vodka: A Tropical Infusion of Quality and Refreshment Indulge in the vibrant and refreshing taste of White Claw Pineapple Vodka, a premium spirit that combines the smoothness of high-quality vodka with the sweet, tropical flavor of...

    MSRP: $21.99
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