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  • Lindemans Strawberry Lambic (Belgium) 12oz

    Lindemans Strawberry Lambic (Belgium) 12oz

    Lindemans Strawberry is a lambic made from local barley, unmalted wheat, and wild yeast. After spontaneous fermentation the lambic is aged in oak. Strawberries are added creating a secondary fermentation and yielding an ale of exceptional flavor and...

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  • Straffe Hendrik Bruges Tripel 750ml

    Straffe Hendrik Bruges Tripel 750ml

    Bruges Tripels are fuller bodied tripels with an amber color from the darker, roasted malts used during the brewing process. Also, adding to the fuller body is a longer boiling period for this beer and the use of more hops than traditional Belgian...

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  • Chimay Grande Reserve (Belgium) 11.2oz

    Chimay Grande Reserve (Belgium) 11.2oz

    Grande Reserve is principally distinguished by its character of a strong beer.This is a beer whose fragrance of fresh yeast with a light, flowery rosy touch is especially pleasant.Its flavor, noticed when tasting it, only accentuates the pleasant...

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  • Chimay Cinq Cents (Belgium) 11.2oz

    Chimay Cinq Cents (Belgium) 11.2oz

    This beer with its typical golden color, its slightly hazy appearance and its fine head is especially characterised by its aroma which results from an agreeable combination of fresh hops and yeast.The beer's flavor, as sensed in the mouth, comes from the...

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  • Bockor Cuvee des Jacobins Rouge Sour 330ml

    Bockor Cuvee des Jacobins Rouge Sour 330ml

    The beer that we are offering is unblended old lambic, aged for 18 months or more. It has a robust character but is beautiful and sophisticated with a full body and overtones of vanilla, dried cherry, stone fruit and cocoa. It is a complex, beautiful...

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  • St. Bernardus Abt 12 Abbey Ale (Belguim) 750ml

    St. Bernardus Abt 12 Abbey Ale (Belguim) 750ml

    Brewery NotesThe St.Bernardus Abt 12 is the pride of the stable, the nec plus ultra of the brewery. Abbey ale brewed in the classic 'Quadrupel' style of Belgium's best Abbey Ales. Dark with a full, ivory-colored head. It has a fruity aroma, full of...

    MSRP: $16.99
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  • Gulden Draak 9000 Quadruple (Belgium) 750ml

    Gulden Draak 9000 Quadruple (Belgium) 750ml

    The recipe, on basis of 3 different kinds of malt added in a volume of 4 times the content in lager, provide the Gulden Draak 9000 Quadruple with a deep golden amber color and a fruity scent. Together with the smooth and subtle sweet taste ensures this a...

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  • Duchesse de Bourgogne Belgian Ale 750ml

    Duchesse de Bourgogne Belgian Ale 750ml

    Duchesse de Bourgogne Belgian Ale from Brouwerij Verhaeghe is the traditional Flemish red ale. This refreshing ale is matured in oak casks; smooth with a rich texture and interplay of passion fruit, and chocolate, and a long, dry and acidic finish.6% ABV

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  • Saison Dupont Belgian Farmhouse Ale 750ml

    Saison Dupont Belgian Farmhouse Ale 750ml

    Brewery NotesSix or seven breweries make Saisons. The undisputed classic of the style is Saison Dupont. It comes from an artisanal brewery that is also a working farm (eggs are sold in the executive' offices!) and produces beers with exquisitely...

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