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Apertifs, Digestives & Vermouths

  • Nardini Amaro Liqueur (Italy) 700ml

    Nardini Amaro Liqueur (Italy) 700ml

    Amaro Nardini is a smooth digestive liqueur with a distinct licorice aftertaste. It has a well-balanced, herbal and fruity taste, with an intense chocolate brown color. Amaro can be served straight up, chilled or on the rocks.58 Proof

    MSRP: $34.99
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  • Dolin Vermouth de Chambery Blanc

    Dolin Vermouth de Chambery Blanc 750ml

    Dolin Vermouths are notably lighter, drier and less pungent than their larger commercial counterparts. The particular mixture of plants found near Chambery give a fresh, restrained and elegant nose, with a subtle, complex bittersweet palate. Even the...

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  • Dolin Vermouth de Chambery Dry

    Dolin Vermouth de Chambery Dry 750ml

    Dolin Vermouths are notably lighter, drier and less pungent than their larger commercial counterparts. The particular mixture of plants found near Chambery give a fresh, restrained and elegant nose, with a subtle, complex bittersweet palate. Even the...

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  • Dolin Vermouth de Chambery Rouge

    Dolin Vermouth de Chambery Rouge 750ml

    Dolin Vermouths are notably lighter, drier and less pungent than their larger commercial counterparts. The particular mixture of plants found near Chambery give a fresh, restrained and elegant nose, with a subtle, complex bittersweet palate. Even the...

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  • Angostura Orange Bitters

    Angostura Orange Bitters 4oz

    Made from its own special recipe, ANGOSTURA orange bitters is a complex blend of tropical oranges and spices. "The soul of an exceptional dry martini"; it is wonderfully versatile and pairs perfectly with vodka, gin and whisky. It also adds a depth of...

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  • Aperol Orange Aperitif 750ml

    Aperol Orange Aperitif 750ml

    The name says it all: Aperol is the perfect aperitif. Bright orange in color, it has a unique taste, thanks to the secret recipe, which has never been changed, with infusions of selected ingredients including bitter and sweet oranges and many other herbs...

    MSRP: $33.99
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